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Thomas Scheibitz

by ㅊㅈㅇ 2018. 8. 6.



Essay, 2008, 190 x 160 cm

Haus 2, 2000, oil on canvas, 200x280cm

Haus, 2008, 235 x 168 cm

Spiel der Verlierer, 2007, Oil on canvas, 305x188cm

Stilleben, 2003, oil on canvas, 145x250cm

Allegorische Landschaft, 2017, 280 x 400 cm

Factis 2015 oil, vinyl, spray, pigment and markers on canvas 200x150cm

Fenster und Speicher, 2014, 260 x 190 cm

John Tennil, 2012, 290 x 180 cm

List, 2008, oil, vinyl, lacquer, pigment marker on canvas 250x170cm

Omega / Cinema, 2017, 260x180 cm

One-Time Pad, 2012, 280 x 450 cm

OSO, 2018, 280 x 450 cm

Schaulager 2014 oil, vinyl, spackling paste, laquer, pigment marker on canvas 190x280cm

SSW, 2017, 285 x 450 cm

Studio (Werkstatt), 2014, 160 x 260 cm

Studio 2012 Oil, vinyl, pigment marker and varnish on canvas 270x380cm

Vergleich, 2015, 260 x 180 cm

Kustmuseum Bonn 2018

MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
